Additional books with regard to hussitic emigrants

Das Böhmische Dorf in Berlin-Neukölln, Dem Kelch zuliebe Exulant – The Czech village in Berlin-Neukölln, Exulant for the sake of the chalice,
Edition Hentrich, Berlin 1987, 336 pages, cloth binding, ISBN 3-926175-11-7

Edita Štěříková, 1999, Běh života českých emigrantů v Berlíně v 18.stoleti – Personal report of czech emigrants in Berlin in the 18.century,
Edition KALICH, Jungmannova 9, 11121 Praha 1, 748 pages, cloth binding, ISBN 80-7017-253-3 (Czech)

Jacek Kriegseisen, 1998, Wczoraj, dziś i ..., Życie, dzieje i teraźniejszość braci czeskich w Zelowie – Yesterday, today and ..., Life, at that time and today of the Czech Brethren in Zelow,
Edition: evangelic-reformed parish of the, Zelow, 212 pages, paperback, ISBN 83-910821-0-5, e-mail :  (Polish)